Currently a PhD student at the University of Hamburg under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benedikt Loewe.
My research is mainly focussed on the Mathematical Logic and set theory. Up until now I have worked of regularity properties and in the future I wish to work on Large Cardinals in Set theory as well as on their impact on other fields of Mathematics such as Algebra, Analysis and/or Topology. My goal is to be a researcher of Set theory and be able to connect it with other areas of Mathematics.

Apart from mathematics I am interested in all billiard games, Bodybuilding, Calisthenics, European Football, dancing, latino and hardstyle music.

Aller Anfang ist schwer! Der Weg hierher war nicht immer einfach für mich. Aber ich würde um keinen Preis der Welt etwas ändern wollen. Meine Erfahrungen haben mich zu dem gemacht, was ich heute bin - und ich habe aus meinen Fehlern gelernt. Davon können meine Kunden heute profitieren.